Saturday 17 September 2011

Mohit Kakar_BLP014_Self Leadership_Sep'11

After reading the report “ Immunity to change” by Jonathan Reams , I got answers for my failure to follow my sincerely made New year’s resolutions and some of the promises I keep making to myself.
I understood that people and organizations want to change but often fail because they get in their own way and the same applies to me.
The assumption that adults don’t change or cannot change beyond a particular time is not true; In fact everyone is capable of changing and continuing development all their lives. According to Kethan and Lahey there are three dimensions of mental complexity: socialized mind, self authoring mind and self transforming mind. These minds are different from each other in the way they understand process and give meaning to external information.
We don’t change because of our invisible immunity to change or to keep it simple; I would say we don’t change because of our resistance to change. Our mindset is responsible for creating an immunity to change.
I tried applying the framework to my commitment, so that my commitment becomes achievable and no more regrets and excuses of not achieving my commitment.  So let me start by listing my commitment (Improvement goal), I want to excel at each and everything I do which requires completely understanding the task and creating action plan. I am trying my best to achieve my commitment but still I am not able to achieve it. Now, I move to next step of the framework and list down the things I am doing/not doing instead. I only focus on the tasks which are of my interests and other tasks and assignments which don’t excite me suffer.  Sometimes due to too many things on my to-do list my tasks are affected because of I don’t prioritise my work. Another factor which prevents me in achieving my improvement goal is my intension to finish of the tasks as soon as possible. So, sometimes the quality of my work suffers because of my desire to quickly move on to the next assignment. After listing down the things I am doing which are preventing me to excel at each and every assignment I do has given me a clear understanding of the path I am following and I have a fair idea about the problem now. Now I move to the next step and list down my hidden competing commitments. I always feel that I can only excel and do exceptionally well on the tasks I like doing and new things which excites me. I feel that if I try spending my time on other tasks which are not of my interest can never be of the quality of the things which I love doing. Its a productivity loss if spend more time on assignments which does not excite me instead I can spend that time on other tasks and excel in them. Now, I move on the final step of the framework my big assumptions. I assume that we can only do an excellent job when we are completely aware of the subject and if that task excites a person.
I got a direction to my commitment by following this framework and I hope I will achieve my goal this time without any excuses.

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