Friday, 16 September 2011

Ramandeep singh_MLP002_Self Leadership_Sep’11

The self leadership session started with a huge enthusiasm and energy felted in the presence of Susie and Snehal ma’am. It started with the questions :-
·         What was the goal that we wanted to achieve during one year?
·         what is the stress we are facing in soil? 
Then discussion began about our goal and stress that we were facing.From this we went onto various symptoms of stress that sneham ma’am categorized into 4  namely COGNITIVE , EMOTIONAL , PHYSICAL & BEHAVIORAL. Out of the sub points given under each head we were asked to choose those which we were facing. Then Susie M’am told us how we can fight with our stress and hence started the most amazing part : laughing yoga to fight with our stress.
During the post lunch leadership session with Anil sir,asked everyone to write the answers to the following questions:-
·         What is the purpose of my life?
·         What are those values that wont compromise?
·         Who matters to me?
·         How will I leverage my god-given gifts ( strengths ) to serve those needs of people who matters to me.?
After this , the discussion went ahead with topics on self development , duties and responsibilities asa learner etc. He also told us an important fact of a good learner that
we also discussed about Pavlonian reaction during the above process.
Then in the following session he asked  a very simple question “ WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I AM TRYING TO LEARN & WHAT COMES IN WAY” ? This led to discussion to a new level where we started discussing the topic “ IMMUNITY TO CHANGE”.
Before that we learned what is change and how does it happen.
Need to change: Post feedback from the external environment mainly from peers and friends, realizing that there is a need for change.

Want to change: After realizing, whether there is willingness to change. Here an individual takes a responsibility to change.

Actual change: Practice and getting comfortable with the change, bringing it into practice. Be it in behavior or habits.

Then sir emphasized on asking the following questions from self:
·         One thing that I wish to change, develop in myself
·         What do I do instead / or not do?
·         Hidden competing commitments?
·         Reasons? Assumptions.

Hence the whole day was a fruitfull pond for us that enlightened us with some of facts about ourselves and methods to cope with challlanges that we face from within ourselves.

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