Saturday, 17 September 2011

Ankit Ahuja_BLP043_Self Leadership_Sep'11

When the going gets tough the immediate reaction for most human beings is to respond with fear, doubt and trepidation. The fear of the unknown when your life feels like a tsunami - drowning in raw emotions that send chills up and down your spine. You can hardly breathe as your mind races trying to figure out to many things other than yourself. You feel exposed and vulnerable. You get jumpy and over react when asked to do the simplest thing, Perhaps you find yourself crying in the bathroom covering your mouth so no one hears your pain. Even I carried the same apprehensions on the day I joined SOIL. During the early days of SOIL life I attended one of the amazing sessions of our life, answering all my queries and solving all my apprehensions. It was the session of Self Leadership by MR Anil Sachdev- CEO and Founder School of Inspired Leadership.

The session covered the 6 Layers of Learning, Taking the control of the senses (the exercises covered really helped in introspection and how one can leverage the capacity of the senses).
This was followed by Appreciative Inquiry > which I feel is one of the most powerful tools enabling a person to know his real self, understand his greater purpose in life and strike out how he with his existing knowledge & strengths have the capability in achieving it. It tells you that you have all what you NEED! Then we did the burning candle exercise, discuss getting rid of Ego, how to bring the Mind and the Heart parallel, the Fears we live with and how to make smart decisions, smartly.

During the 4 months journey of SOIL we all have had the chance to interact with Anil Sir a lot and he has highlighted the following things:-
       Try to uncover your passion and start building yourself towards it.
      Try to figure out what you are good at and back your strengths driving that activity.
Today when I look back and think about those two things which he mentioned , a gentle smile runs  across my face as  I followed his instructions to actually do the things he suggested , I am  a successful and happy person right now. I can tell you the methodologies Anil Sir followed were simple and systematic that made me a cheerful and contented person which I am? His emotional connect with me has been mesmerizing, helping me out in difficult times.
“I have realized that there are only 2 things in life that can help you attain the escape velocity to break out of an existing paradigm. One is PAIN and the other is ASPIRATION. It is as true of organizations as it is for individuals that the desire to change is really triggered by one of the two.”
Thus I went through a complete transformation in last four months. I am able to rediscover and rejuvenate myself. I used to be a firm believer that being an “emotional fool” whom I used to call myself and thought it is one of the major weaknesses that I have carried which have hindered my path to success in many ways. Guess what? After the time that has passed in SOIL I am still an emotional person but not a fool. I am an emotionally balanced person who utilizes and channelizes his emotions in the right manner. I am a people’s man and love to emotionally connect with them.

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