Saturday, 17 September 2011

Immunity to change_Avik Dey

The way we carry ourselves from here on will put us in a separate league from the others. To do this the first thing we need to keep in mind is we should be open to change. The challenge to change and improve is often misunderstood. It is thought of as dealing with complexity and productivity. Also a part depends on how we perceive things. There are various levels at which we work and at each level we need to verify the thought process keeping in mind the values. The more we work towards a symptom the lesser chances we have correcting it. So at the very root level we work towards removing the rocks and start developing HOT BUTTONS. Keeping the emotional quotient at a moderate level and then poising for excellence is the best way to go. But I feel there are chances of improvement at each level and needs to be identified so that co-ordinating the activities we have a fair chance to lead the mission forward. Every individual has an inherent hidden commitment and he needs to balance everything so that the final output is not affected. The five bases are very important for the expression : Ethics, Sustainability, diversity, Compassion and mindfulness for the right channelization.
So in simple words it is all about a proper balance to be able to succeed in life.

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