Saturday, 17 September 2011

Surbhi Chopra_MLP006_Self Leadership_Sep'11

The concept of ‘Self Leadership’ was completely novel to me before the session began, but by the end of the session it got me thinking about my real purpose in life and where I would like to be and what it would take to be an inspired leader. The first half of the day with both Susie and Snehal ma’am was interesting and extremely engaging. We spoke about stress management, understood the various reasons as well as the numerous remedies to stress.                                                                
The laughter session with Susie ma’am was great fun and full of excitement and we ended the first half of the session laughing away, releasing our energies and enjoying ourselves thoroughly.
Post lunch, our session with Anil sir was intense yet very fulfilling. He elucidated the true meaning of an inspired leader and the fundamental qualities required to be a good effective leader.
Comprehending our individual purpose in life as well as realizing what careers each one of us wants to pursue was essentially what we began the session with. Our career goal should ultimately take us to the achievement of our true purpose in life. The examples shared by sir were very impactful and were beautifully described. It actually made me as an individual retrospect myself and think hard as to what my real purpose is and how I need to develop myself to become an inspired leader. An interesting point sir shared was regarding the hidden factor in life which keeps us held back. It could be something as simple as working on a project a night before the submission and hence not completing work on time, a reason why one would do this could be because of an important engagement with something or someone that at no cost can be missed, for example talking to a boyfriend or girlfriend could be more vital than completing a task at hand.
At the end of the session I went back home thinking about my hidden factor and I am still trying to figure that out.

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