Saturday, 17 September 2011

Suchitra Ravichander_BLP030_Self Leadership_Sep'11

 Self Leadership is a more powerful word than what it sounds. It means different things to different people. To me it is the beginning of realizing the inner self  within YOU. This article is not yet another normal article on leadership; instead it is something more fundamental & powerful.  It is the learning of the Self, the spirit & the source which makes it; the path leading you to personal excellence. Indeed, I felt most lucky to know what Self leadership is, through the words of Mr.Anil Sachdev, one of the greatest experts to have mastered this area. It is one of the most complex natures of leadership as it involves dealing with the most intricate things of inner self- the conditioning of the mind, ego & attitude. It expands the inner capacity to learn. When you have the willingness to learn combined with the right attitude & efforts along with talent (God’s given gift) you are sure to succeed.
Self leadership is about being fully present in a state where all the three, the mind – the intellect, the heart – the conscience & the body synergizes together enabling one to cherish the internal bliss in the form of happiness/ joy / peace. One of the integral parts of Self Leadership is appreciative enquiry, the capacity to listen like a child with the open heart & mind. It brings in the inner joy & helps to retain the insights effortlessly. When we are at the best, it is the time when maximum learning takes place. Appreciative enquiry is basically the authentic conditioning/ expression, which brings in the openness to ideas. It also involves the appreciation responses made.
Getting back to the topic of Self Leadership, it is important that one focuses on the bigger purpose in life- the ‘purpose calling’. To discover this one needs to introspect and get answers to the following questions-
1)      Who are the people most important in your life?
2)      What are their needs that you are moved to serve?
3)      How can I leverage my valuable gifts to serve unconditionally?
4)      What are my goals?
The goal normally comes out of the purpose. The concept of self leadership can also be extended to great places to work. How are some companies preferred by employees as one of the great places to work? The answer lies with the employees itself. When employees are able to build trust, & take pride & enjoyment in their work those companies become great places to work.
To accentuate further, the following lines of wisdom on Self Leadership were quoted by Anil sir,
“The most profound knowledge is the self knowledge” – it implies that on the path to self leadership, one should study by learning to observe our action & our thoughts. He also emphasized further that a “Best leader is the one who is the best follower and a true leader must plan to connect & act”. According to him, a leader is a one who always tries to find out what difference does he makes to others and all leaders in one way or the other does sewa for a bigger cause. He fondly recollected & recited the words of Mr. Muthuraman, Managing director of Tata steel on leadership- “When we are inspired for a higher purpose in life, even without knowing the great abilities & leader residing within us, strange things will start happening to us.”

Everyone one of us have habits & every one wishes to change or develop one of these, but in the process we actually struggle to do so. Why? The answer to the question lies within our own selves. There are basically 3 layers of change,
·         The mind which is nothing but the intellect that deals with the Need to Change
·         The Heart   which deals with the Want to change
·         The Body which does not allow the change
One can overcome all these inhibitions to change when the ego which prevails within us called inner ego(igo) ( which prevents/ stops the change) can be surmounted with the true unconditional love for our self & love for the purpose of our life.
Self Leadership is basically empowering oneself for excellence & it requires an in-depth knowledge about oneself. Generally people are resistant to habits/behavior changes and find it extremely difficult to change. The reasons for the resistance to change can be analyzed through the immunity x-ray exercise. One first needs to identify the need & the want to change. Secondly one should introspect as to what he/she does exactly 180 degree opposite to that need (what should I not do?). Finally identify the hidden competing commitments & the underlying assumptions. Analyzing the answers to these questions through in-depth introspection helps to one to overcome the resistance & brings in the change positively influencing their own self.
In short, Self leadership involves "leading oneself". At the behavioral level self-leadership involves learning through self-observation and identifying the hidden competing commitments which brings in the resistance to change. At the mental level, self-leadership involves overcoming the inner ego through the strength of unconditional love and identifying the bigger purpose in life and working towards it by setting goals to achieve them.

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