Saturday, 17 September 2011

Kushal Prakash_BLP061_Self Leadership_Sep’11

Leaders cannot empower people to be innovative or courageous; one has to do it by himselves. Every individual who aspire to be a leader has to be self driven. Self-Leadership is the essence of leadership. It consists of knowing yourself and seeking reliable counsel and also taking stock of your personal attributes that embrace or resist change. Without understanding the purpose that ignites us, the vision that motivates to lead and the values that empower we cannot make courageous choices.

If we seen with the perspective of how an individual sees within himself of being self leader and what immunity he develops, one can really understand the difficulty faced in coping the change. All change is self-change and involves “the soft stuff”- it cannot be done in a nice and tidy manner. Self-change involves emotions and requires helping oneself to help themselves. Leaders must hear with “that soft stuff” – their hearts, listening is the core of the change process. Change requires self-leadership one must look within them to decide what they want, what they value, and where they stand.

At self-leadership series interaction held on 8th Sep, 2011 by Mr. Anil Sachdeva we came to know the basic facts which are very close to our heart but are unable to realize and see it in a rational way. According to Mr. Sachdeva a leader must incorporate self-leadership through allotting adequate time and effort in realizing values, vision and courage. One should not deviate from his primary goal that is serving others and care for the ones who care the most.

Immunity map framed by Robert Kegan explains 4 step process that how an individual can overcome the bottleneck which he unknowingly develops in the way of becoming Self-Leader.
·         A person identifies what he what is his purpose and what he wants to achieve in life.
·         Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals.
·         Understand the reasons that prevent him from achieving his goal.
·         Removes any assumptions that prevent him from achieving his goal.

The immunity x-ray was held in session helped me to realize my weakness and gave me the focus area on which I should be working on.  The useful learning and insight which I have gained is incomparable and has enlightened me for future. I would like to pen down the lines of one of the most famous and admired CEO, Jack Welch, of General Electric
"The world of the 1990s and beyond will not belong to 'managers' or those who can make the numbers dance. The world will belong to passionate, driven leaders - people who not only have enormous amounts of energy but who can energize those whom they lead."

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