Saturday, 17 September 2011

Gurleen Kaur_HRLP027_Self Leadership_sep'11

One of the best things at the School of Inspired Leadership is that we get exposed to many programs and sessions which inculcate a feeling of leadership in us. One of such courses is ‘Self Leadership’ .
It teaches a person to lead himself to personal excellence.  It is the leadership that a person exercises on himself.
The first half for Self leadership started with Ms Susie and Ms. Snehal Shah conducting a session on stress. We were exposed to different internal and external symptoms of stress and ways to handle them.
There are basically four different symptoms to stress :
  è Cognitive symptoms
  è Behavourial  symptoms
  è Emotional Symptoms
  è Physical symptoms
 Different techniques to relieve stress were taught like deep breathing, meditation, concentrating on breath, and as they say…  ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ , laughter yoga. It was real fun doing the laughter yoga and after sometime we realised that actually out initial fake laughter turned into real laughter.

The latter half of the self leadership session was taken by Mr. Anil Sachdev . He laid stress on changing from within . The questions we should be asking ourselves are :
  è Is there a need for change?
  è What is the change that I need to bring about?
  è How can I bring about this change ?
  è What is it that will help me to sustain the change made.

It is important to realise that bringing about a change needs to be internal, as in at the heart level. When we have the determination in us to change for th better and we strive for bringing about the change, it automatically transforms at the body level as well.

Sir told us about an intrinsic immunity to change in every individual , a hidden commitment at the sub-conscious level that prevents us in bringing about that change.It is absolutely imperative to realise that hidden commitment and make a conscious effort to overcome that commitment so as to realise the change we sought to bring about in our lives.

We all did an activity where we identified our need to bring about a change, the change itself and how do we plan to bring about that change. Also, we recognised a hidden commitment within us that prevents us from bringing about that change. We all realised that there is a mental assumption behind that competing commitment that keeps us from inculcating the habits and the attitude that will bringforth the desired change in us. So, it is important to get ahead of any mental assumptions and fight hard against the competing commitment with full determination so as to lead us to victory in our endeavour to change/transform our lives.
Anil Sir exposed us to a framework that helps us to understand the various parameters of change management in  our lives : the Immunity X-Ray.

                                                                The Immunity X-Ray

Reason of
Root Cause
This parameter describes the intention of a person towards the change , i.e. specifying the change.
The behaviour exhibited by the individual with the intention of bringing the desired change.
The reason people do not change is because at the very core, there is a hidden competing commitment which prevents them from bringing about that change.
At the molecular level , the root cause of the sheer existence of that competing commitment is a mental assumption backing the commitment.

Not to forget, the housekeeping staff was called upon by Sir and we communicated our problems related to hygiene . I truly appreciate the house keeping staff for listening patiently and bringing about the change and for their continuous efforts on maintaining a beautiful campus for us. Also, I realised via this that it is absolutely important for each one of us to inculcate self leadership at the very core level and take initiatives to make our life disciplined and our environment around beautiful.

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