Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sanjay Agarwal_MLP010_ Self Leadership_Sep'11

Snehal Shah Ma’am and Susie ma’am took the first session. It was regarding stress and how to manage it. The session started with breathing exercises and few other exercises, which we can practice in our daily routine.
So there are basically 4 different types of symptoms to stress:
    * Cognitive symptoms
    * Emotional symptoms
    * Behavioral Symptoms
    * Physical symptoms
Snehal Ma’am pointed out various forms of stress in our daily life, which are mostly like to be physical, cognitive, behavioral and other forms. She encouraged us to know ourselves better and how our body and mind might be react to different levels of stress. It was an eye opener for me, as I never thought that I’m going through was symptoms of stress Snehal Ma’am then gave an insight on how one can combat the different facets of stress more effectively and get the better of stress instead of vice-versa. . In the latter half of the first session we had experienced the power of laughter as a major de-stressor and had a hand on experience on how laughter therapy can work and moreover its necessary to laugh at least 10-15 min at stretch everyday.
I’m very sorry that I couldn’t attend post lunch session by Anil sir as I was not well.

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