Saturday, 17 September 2011

AdarshRaj_BLP060_Self Leadership_Sep’11

The person with whom we spend most of our time or one who has more influence than any other is none other but our own self. So in order to able to lead and inspire others it is important for us to be self disciplined and lead our own self which is nothing but self leadership. A biggest leader is the biggest follower of the cause. Self leadership is a process of identifying the ultimate purpose and motivating self to achieve this cause. Self leadership are basically governed by 6 layers of self which are
1.       Diversity - This is the outermost layer. This layer is about appreciating the diversity around us and constantly learning from it.
2.       Information – This layer is what we perceive through our 5 senses.
3.       Compassion – This layer is the ‘emotional mind’ which is the capacity to relate. This layer is the originator of unconditional love that we have towards others.
4.       Ethics – This layer inspires an individual to do things rightly rather than doing right things. This layer is about making the right choice.
5.       Sustainability – This layer is where our habits, ego and belief lies. This layer is about conquering our ego.
6.       Mindfulness - This is the core layer which is being aware of the life giving force.
These 6 layers are like concentric circles which form the individual self through which the energy flows . When there is complete flow of positive energy through all these 6 layers, this is when a person attains the state of ‘Paramanandam’ or extreme happiness. .
The session on self leadership focused on two S’s. The big ‘S’ and the small ‘s’. The bigger ‘S represents the ‘Supreme being’ or the Source which have many synonyms like Allah, Omkara, Jesus etc and the smaller ‘s’ represents our ego. It is when the ego engulfs oneself , the person is surrounded with negativity and loses focus on the higher purpose. When one identifies his/her purpose in life that is when we discover the talents that even we wouldn't have thought of. Then all our activities will get aligned for that purpose.
The best way to counter strike ego is Love. It’s the unconditional love in the soldier for his motherland is what inspires him to devote and sacrifice his life for his country. It is the love inside the person which also gives rises to the absolute courage to face the fear of failures, scepticism and push oneself towards his goal overcoming all his pain and suffering. Once you have this love in your heart then slowly your ego will lose its control and as rightly said by a scholar your work become love made visible. This inspiration inside oneself will encourage the individual to be more mindful of his deeds and he starts putting his 100% effort in whatever work he does. This love also encourages us to be more compassionate towards others and inculcate a value of being ethical in us.
Self leadership is all about controlling your emotions and ego and lead a transformation. Eg- In order to overcome a habit it not only takes heart, body and intellect but we need to overcome our ego to have the transformation with us. To able to lead oneself it is imperative for an individual to spend some time with our self , introspect and discover our true potential.

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