Saturday, 17 September 2011

L Krishnan_BLP017_Self Leadership_Sep'11

There is always something to look forward in various spheres of life, be it career, personal front. We are always preoccupied with the challenges and peer pressure that life throws at us. However, to stop back and understand that it is all material ambitions that we are aspiring. And there are many instances where we find ourselves as a victim of situation.
We can’t take pressure sportively, ambitions in real terms, humility as a learning opportunity, failures as a new start and distinguish habits different from character.
Self-Leadership has its focus in making us aware of all the character traits that we practice as a part of our sub-conscious mind.
Impulsive aggression, smoking, habit formation, addiction and various striking deeds, which we are exposed to, are just some traits of ours that we have earned and learnt from our predecessors. It is just an option for us to be influences by some of these habits, and the skill lies in carrying forward only those that we need to be proud of.
To my surprise, I learnt that even unconditional love can be at fault if practiced in an erratic way, and that kind of love would make someone wet his pants.
We all crib about situations that are out of our control, but though it might just seem so, the reality lies in learning that this very thought encumbers us in making a difference.
So how do we react, in order to take leadership to the next level? “Understand yourself” is the key phrase, and in order to do so, spend time with yourself. Nothing helps you better than your own self.
No matter how proud or submissive a person is, he has always loved himself and has lived along with the so called character, right from the time of birth. He had always believed in his thought and had seen many occasions where he had performed at par with others expectations. It is only that he needs to reemphasis that others are no better, or say, I am nothing less.
And from the core of heart, anybody & everybody knows that it takes just a split second to regain your confidence when diverted your thoughts in the right directions.
In spiritual terms, though I am not the right person to talk about it, I learned that look at oneself from the eyes of a soul, and not from the eyes that are biologically provided. You might see yourself making mistakes, failing, being jealous, guilty, generous, accommodating, succeeding, humorous and winning from the third person’s eyes. Probably the feeling would be similar to how we look at childrens who is definitely loved, but later we study the characteristic traits. Gradually one might find justification for his actions and mode of thinking. Leadership lies is not finding answers but to understand the factors that can bring upon changes in us.
This can be related to a painter who paints a poster, that is very large in dimension, but then he climbs down and walks a couple of feet away from the painting, and looks at the whole work to observe the relativity and the color contours. A view that might not be possible by watching the paint closely, no matter how much efforts, time and concentration goes into it.
I remember a phrase that my dad had spoken to me in engineering terms, that we study leverage principle, even earth can be lifted if we get a fulcrum, rod and a place in the OUTER SPACE to apply the force. What needs to be understood is that “problems” in life are problems only because we do not see beyond the horizons.
However, these philosophical topics are hard to practice in real life, and we need to take out time for self in deep peace to reach out for a nutshell to ponder such things once in a while. But how do we find time for such insights when we are surrounded with so many ambitious pursuits, peer pressure, social status, recognition and obligations to take care off. This is something that even the most determined would not be able to follow.
But no doubt that when a world renowned speaker like Anil Sachdev speaks for a couple of minutes, one might definitely go back and ponder on all the fundamental values that we he has grown with. And for me it especially, I have been able to recall all the values that I have practices and grown with.
Leadership would be nothing but to understand oneself and his actions. In the process one might acquire skills that might help him understand how every individual reacts and what makes him react in such a way. This is the building block of Leadership, which grows more sweeter and enriching with time and practice.

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