Saturday, 17 September 2011

Monami Patel_HRLP006_Self Leadership_Sep'11

I wasn’t  able to be a part of the Self –Leadership session due to my illness but the conversations and discussions that followed amongst my friends and flat-mates inspired me to share my views via blog. My friends who came to meet me in the breaks told me about the first session which was conducted by Snehal and Sussie mam on different types of stress and its ill effect on our health. My fellow-mates were made to chalk out their stress map which was subdivided into four columns : 1.Physical 2. Emotional 3.Behavioral  4. Cognitive. Sussie mam had taken a laughter yoga session and since I have attended her laughter yoga session in HRLP yoga classes I absolutely know how impactful it can be as a stress buster.
The second session was facilitated by Anil Sir where he discussed about leadership and immunity to change. True Leadership comes from within rather than any external sources.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
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Mahatma Gandhi said that “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. I believe that real change is real slow but it can only take place when one wants it to happen. As human most of us don’t like to get out of our comfort zone to bring in the change even if it’s for our better self. A Rober Kegan Immunity map was explained in the class by Anil sir which was then explained to me by my friends. The immunity map consist of 4 stages:
1.      Stage 1:  A person needs to identify his/her purpose or goal of life. One should know what he wants form his life
2.      Stage 2: Identify obstacles or roadblocks in the way of the purpose or achievements of goals
3.      Stage 3: To understand the reasons behind the actions/behaviors that prevent form achieving goals
4.      Stage 4 : to discard every assumption the person might be making that could be an obstacle in achievement of the goals.

The immunity x-ray made me realize the times I have assumed such obstacles which has stopped me achieving mu goals. Also I could recall times when I have given up on my goal without even identifying the roadblocks.

It’ s very important to have and internal point of locus than depending on the external point of locus so as to bring in the right change in ourselves as well as to lead ourselves.

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