Saturday, 17 September 2011

Maninder Bisen_BLP042_Self Leadership_Sep’11

They always say that, to guide a company forward the CEO of that company must have a vision and he must devote all his energy towards that vision. The same is true for an individual; he must have a vision for his life, he must find the true purpose of his life, he should be able to overcome his fears. It’s easier said than done. These few questions’ have always troubled me, why I am in this world, what/how can I give back, am I justifying my existence, how can I overcome my fear. In my solitude, sometimes I introspect a lot about all these questions but I have never been able to find any concrete answer to these questions’. The self leadership class at SOIL is the right place to get these answers. Anil sir is one of the best teacher and speaker on this subject, and I am lucky to be at the right place at the right time to hear his preaching’s. 

                                    To become a leader the first thing one has to do is to get rid of his fears. In the self leadership class Anil sir described a meditation exercise which he himself went through to eliminate his fears,' Walking on the fire '. It’s so straight and simple, all is in the mind if you can control your mind and emotion you can overcome any barriers in life be it walking on the fire or whatever. He also made us familiar with the two “S”, “s”, in the self leadership. The smaller ‘s’ refers to the five senses of our body which deals with how we perceive things around us, while the capital ‘S’ is our real self and it is extremely important because only when we understand our self we move from being the ‘Experienced’ to the ‘Experiencer’. You should first develop “Self” with this development you can lead yourself. Self leadership starts with the development of self with this self illumination you can go on to light others. After this he instructed us to introspect on the following few questions:

ü  Who are the people/person or what are the things or a cause in your life that matter to you?
ü  What are their needs that you are moved to serve?
ü  How can I leverage my values and gifts to serve these needs?

These were the questions which will lead us to our real purpose in life.

                                   After laying these foundations in the other half of the session, he introduced us to the concept of “The Immunity to Change“. In which we were told to introspect about the following four things:

ü  One thing that you want to change?
ü  What do I do/or not do instead?
ü  Hidden competing commitment that prevents you from changing?
ü  What are the assumptions behind your hidden commitment?

This he said is called the immunity x-ray. These were very simple questions but I found them the hardest to answer. But when I analyzed further I realized how simple it is to bring a change in you, we just never try hard and make our own assumptions to carry on with the habits.

                                           This lecture on self leadership has helped me a lot in giving a direction to my introspections’. In the end I was able to find some answers to few of my intriguing questions about life and my existence. I looking forward to many more sessions like this.  

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