“Give your stress wings and let it fly away.” ~Terri Guillemets
In the first half of the day we had a session which was conducted by Ms. Snehal Shah and Ms. Susie Roy. We were informed about the various kinds of stress that gets experienced by all of us on a daily basis. The practice of “chup” enables us to connect with self and helps in quieting of the mind. Thus, the practice of yoga helps us in overcoming the stress that we experience on a regular basis. During the session Susie ma’am, with the help of laughter yoga provided us tips to overcome stress. In the latter half of the day we had a session with Anil sir which shifted the focus on Managing the change within: Immunity to change.
The question that we should ask ourselves:
a) Is there a need for change?
b) What is the change I need to bring about?
c) Am I PREPARED to change?
d) Can I act to bring about a change?
e) Am I going to be able to sustain this change?
Before we understand the process to bring about a change within ourselves it is important to understand what we mean by “change”. Andy Warhol’s words resonate with my perspective towards change and that is “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” The steps to manage change within can only happen once a person is successful in contemplating as to what his/her strengths and weakness are. Once a person leverages his strengths over his weaknesses or vice-a-versa he/she prepares to bring about a change. A person progresses over this change once he is able to act on it. Further the change becomes complete once an individual is able to sustain it. Often individuals find it difficult to deal with change. However, the fact that they are able to contemplate that there is a need for change is a good start in itself.
Anil sir explained the Immunity map that was framed by Robert Kegan. The immunity map consists of 4 stages which are as follows. It is a 4 step process which should take place in the following order.
· Stage 1: A person identifies what he wants to achieve in life and what his purpose is.
· Stage 2: Identify the things that stop you from achieving your goals. This is critical since the achievement of your ultimate goal requires overcoming the hurdles.
· Stage 3: Understand the reasons behind the behaviour/things that prevent him from achieving his goal.
· Stage 4: A person removes any assumptions he might be making that prevent him from achieving his goal.
The immunity x-ray was helpful in getting to realize my weakness and some things about me which I want to work on and develop.
As Maria Robinson says and I quote: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” I am glad that sessions like these probe me to contemplate about myself and shift the focus inwards as compared to the focus always lying external to me: to most of us.
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