There is a person with whom you spend more time than any other, a person who has more influence over you, and more ability to interfere with or to support your growth than anyone else. This ever-present companion is your own self.
Dr. Pamela Butler, Clinical Psychologist
This is a simple but an interesting thought I came across, which reflects that if we ever hope to be effective leaders of others, we must first be effective leaders of ourselves. It was not the first time when I heard about Self Leadership but it was only after being in SOIL that I have realised the true meaning of these words.
The session on self leadership by Anil Sir started with re-visit to the first Self-Leadership class during our induction week and I remembered the six layers of Self, taught to us during that time.
As I recapped these layers, Anil Sir shifted our focus on one of the most important aspect of Self Leadership – Managing the change within: Overcoming the Immunity to change.
Anil sir explained the Immunity map that was framed by Robert Kegan which talks about a 4 step process which helps us to understand why people don't change and how it can be facilitated.
He asked us to identify a commitment (improvement goal) which we made to ourselves at the beginning of this journey at SOIL and I looked back into my ILP. He then asked us to think over as to what we were doing/not doing instead to fulfil, this commitment. Then we were asked to identify the hidden competing commitment behind it. Finally we identified the assumptions behind these hidden competing commitments.
1 Commitment (improvement goal) | 2 Doing/not doing instead | 3 Hidden competing commitments | 4 Big assumptions |
This Immunity X-Ray not only helped me to understand the fundamental mismatch between how people attempt to change and what they really need to do, but also charged me to take on more responsibilities and go ahead with more passion and rigor.
In early half of the day we had a session which was conducted by Ms. Snehal Shah and Ms. Susie Roy. They talked about the various kinds of stress that gets experienced by most of us on a daily basis and discussed ways to reduce stress from our life. They highlighted the importance of practice of Yoga which helps us in overcoming stress, enables us to connect with self and helps in quieting of the mind. At the end of the session Susie ma’am, triggered rounds of laughter with the help of laughter yoga and we all busted with laughter, which helped us break down inhibitions and develop feelings of childlike playfulness.
In all it was a fun filled day with a great learning experience to introspect with deep impact.
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