Our self-leadership session was fully packed with varied and interesting topics. We started the first half of the day with Snehal and Susie ma’am. They started off on a light note on a conversational pattern about life at this junction and the kind of problems we are facing today. Slowly the conversation was steered towards stress points and how to deal with them. We were made to realise how firstly whether we are stressed or not and the symptoms to that stress and secondly how stressed we are as individuals and how to deal with it. The interesting bit about this whole exercise was the symptoms some of us realised were stress related.
So there are basically 4 different types of symptoms to stress:
- Cognitive symptoms
- Emotional symptoms
- Behavioural Symptoms
- Physical symptoms
Now all of us went through some sort of realisations under one of these headings. We went ahead and discussed how stress to a certain extent might be good also to create urgency and and a basic structure. But obviously over stressing is not a good habit. This is where Susie ma’am took charge and with the help of different laughter therapy explained us how we can distress. I must admit that it was such a rejuvenating session that all the tiredness of travelling so far just went away for the whole day and the whole class felt light. We all could feel it in the air.
Then we had a session with Anil Sir talking about our inner self. To be very frank here it was something I have known all along but the way it was put across bifurcating it into various dimensions is what brought a little bit clarity to my head. What was brought in front of us that day was this concept called the immunity x-ray. Now there are three basic questions in that theory:
- What change do you want to bring within yourself?
- The hidden competing commitment against that change?
- The assumptions?
Now when these questions are asked to you your mind starts churning. We all somewhere know the change that we need to bring within ourselves. At least one change. But what we don’t understand are the other two questions. When we talk about CHANGE we always have something within us that is stopping us to change that quality, something we might enjoy and something that we don’t want to give up. That’s the hidden competing commitment to change. For e.g. I need to bring structure to my life. Now for that I have to change my habits of sleeping late, going out so much, reduce my social circle and get organised. But the hidden competing commitment against this change is that I really enjoy this lifestyle. Further on the assumption to this hidden commitment is that ill will fare well with me and I will excel even if I maintain this pattern of living. This is the barricade we as individuals need to overcome and work upon. In the further sessions we will be getting into the depth of this immunity x-ray model for further self-actualization.
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