Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pratibha Sangwan_HRLP012_Self Leadership_Sep’11

This journey of discovering the leader within ourselves began the day I joined SOIL..Lead by a magnamatic  leader himself.. Working his day in and out to create leaders..Leaders with a difference..  When generally talking about leaders we mistake it as someone who has power to dictate people.. Someone who has an has authority.. Someone who works as a head.. And here we all miss the essence of leading by ‘SELF’.. So here comes the concept of ‘Self Leadership’.. Lead by our own self..
And with the highest and purest form of leadership comes the immunity to change.. Which is the first step to transforming consciousness, until and unless self transformation is done transformation of the organizations or the surroundings is not possible. This self transformation is wherein the leader is implicitly being asked to have a self transformation (of 5th order) mind. Today there is a gap between mental demand on leadership and the capacity generally available. When trying to reduce the gap, leaders generally tend to adapt the mind complexity rather than simply apply technical solutions. Also there is a common notion of showing the same immunity even if particular issue or challenge is different. Well here comes the question than how to figure out, what to be done and when.. so here once again would come the concept of self leadership.. leaders who are led by intrinsic motivation and strength would not work according to what they have learnt or what they have known but what is happening around them at that moment and time for that particular given situation, it is prevention systems, feeling systems and knowing systems. Also looking at things systematically and organizationally is required which helps them to view the emotional life of the organization. After all this moving from individual to group is required, the additional complexity of the dynamics involved becomes clear. The tendency to avoid bringing personal issues to the group setting because of tendencies to pathologize individual problems is nicely dealt with through the use of framing and processes that enable each team member to see the strengths that are one end of a continuum related to those weaknesses. The coordination of the various tools used to support the process, the timing of the work and the importance of the leader setting the tone and acting as an example are all well illustrated.

So after enough of analysation here again the concentration again on slef.. Unlocking potential and this describes three necessary ingredients to successfully take on the work of unlocking your immunity to change: a vital energy source of motivation for change, both cognitive and emotional aspects working together and action or behavioral work, and engaging our thinking with our feeling is required as no amount of thinking about the work will get it done, as alos no amount of emotional effort by itself either. Finally action must be taken so that it speaks the experiments and experiences that can test our assumptions and mover our insights into reality. Now applying this immunity individually and collectively is required, taking each individual through each process is required and then taking the group through the same process. Above all there needs to be sufficient safety and support for facing the risks in this depth of change of mindset.

The above seems to be very process centric approach, but if studied closely and reflected upon is very aspect of what is mentioned initially ‘Self Leadership’.. Everything is ‘self’ driven.. Also means empowering not only self but others involved in the process so that there is s sense of not only belongingness but accountability  

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