Saturday, 17 September 2011

Arun_Sahu_BLP004_Self Leadership_Sep'11

After I joined SOIL I regularly heard from the people about the 5 pillars Mindfulness, Compassion, Sustainability, Ethics, Diversity can bring about the change in the way business is done and each one of us can bring about a change in the society and I used to ask myself how am I going to bring about the change needed in today’s world and after the interaction with Anil Sir I got my answer and that is –Self Leadership. And then the next question - how I am going to learn to lead myself  and the answer is Anil sir’s self leadership session it is the only place which will push you to think beyond the obvious , challenge your assumptions and beliefs.
September 8th from the day beginning of the day I was sure that the day will bring a lot of
thought provoking stories. During the session I learnt a very different approach to overcome fear that is through fire walk. During the session Anil Sir asked us a very simple question yet powerful question “What is the purpose of your life “  and also quoted the following lines from  Patanjali  "When you are inspired by higher purpose, strange things begin to happen to you and you discover many qualities which you were not aware of." The ideas was to make us realize that if we are truly inspired by a higher purpose in our life all the pains and suffering’s becomes meaningless and why does it happen because in your journey towards the higher purpose you develop Unconditional love and the moment you develop unconditional love you stop hating people sense of competitiveness diminishes and you start developing compassion for the people around you.
During the discussion Anil Sir brought out another interesting topic “HABIT” and made us understand why bad habits don’t go easily .Below is my learning :-
H – Your brain or intellect says I need to leave this bad thing. (Listen you to your brain H are removed left is ABIT)
A – Your heart which adds and also says that I want to leave this bad thing. (Listen to your heart A is removed left is BIT which means still a bit of bad thing is left in you)    
B – But your body creates a lot of trouble as it keeps you reminding of the pleasures you drive from the bad thing. (Remove B also still IT remains).
I = Ego – Your ego prevents you from leaving the remainder but if you remove I also what remains is T.
T stands for transformation and ones this begins you will be able to achieve what you want.  
This whole story taught us the journey of HABIT to Transformation.

Last session of the day Anil Sir introduced us to a new yet powerful concept –Immunity X-ray which sounded unusual to me but it really helped me do the x-ray of some of my beliefs or after the whole exercise I should say assumptions .It really helped me in understanding that sometimes we keep wasting our energy in thinking about our actions and trying to find out why we behave in such a manner rather than finding about the assumptions which let us to such actions which other consider wrong.
To summarize my learning’s from the session:-
  1. It is  very easy to remove the pain and sufferings from our day to day  life if you are totally consumed by the high purpose of your life
  2. Innovation comes from a great character not from a great knowledge.
  3. If you think you want to change something in your life and to able to do so stop checking your actions rather look for your assumptions for the thought process that goes behind those actions.

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