Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sreya Raghavan_HRLP026_Self Leadership_Sep'11

Any topic that has got to do with realising one's self, questioning the mind,body and soul, understanding the needs and wants of life catches my eyes. I have read many books pertaining to such topics and each one only arouses my curiosity and kindles me to do more soul searching. The moment I saw 'Self Leadership' session posted in the Timetable, I jumped into joy! Having come to know that Anil Sir was going to handle the session, I couldn't wait for the session. 
The first session on Self Leadership was all about soul searching, digging into the past,forgetting the past and cleansing the mind. Most of us have confessions to make in our life.I learnt one of the best techniques to let go of my emotions from deep within. It was the 'Burning Candle Exercise'.
" I confessed my deepest feelings and emotions,
I pleaded guilty for all my wrong doings so far, 
I rubbed my miseries with the Fire God,
I let go of the sorrow within,
I erased the pain in thy self,
Only to come out as a Changed Person"

That brings us to the topic for my next Self Leadership session "The Immunity to Change". 
The session began with Susie giving us some tips to beat stress in our daily lives with the help of Yoga, the universal healer. What followed was a thought provoking session by Anil Sir highlighting the importance of change within oneself through the Immunity X-Ray.

I have always believed that it is necessary to change oneself according to situation but is Change really that easy? Is Change really needed?Can I really bring in a change within myself and to those around me? Am I going to sustain the change? The mother of all questions that came to my mind was "Do I really want to Change?" This triggered my inner self and I started discovering answers to some of my hidden feelings. The more I asked questions about myself, the more I discovered a new ME! I realised that real change starts and ends with "ONESELF".
True to the words of Robert Keagan and Lagey in their book "Immunity to Change:How to overcome it and unlock the potential in yourself and organisation", there are 3 crucial aspects of change:
1.Vital energy source of motivation for change:cognitive and emotional
2.Putting the mind and heart together.
3.Turning the insights into reality.
They have also discussed about the immunity map and the four columns in it in their book.

Towards the end of the session, my thought process slowly underwent a transition from "wanting to change" to "being the change". 
I quickly took a pen and paper and listed out my weakness and strengths. I then picked up my top 3 weaknesses and highlighted them. Time flew and I realised that  I was staring at those 3 bold weaknesses written in front of me for a long time. I prepared a mental map and imagined the weakness to disappear. The next thing that I did was to take an eraser and rub my weakness away. I then questioned myself as to how long am I going to take to erase this weakness in reality? That's where the element of Change had to be brought in. I set myself a clear goal and promised myself that this time,it is not going to be just another motivational session.It is a life changing session for me. I am working on my weakness and I have been able to see great progress for myself in this regard. 

As I am just about to complete this blog and all set to doze, there is a small voice that says within me "Miles to go before I sleep".....

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