Saturday, 17 September 2011

Prasoon Malviya_MLP017_ Self Leadership_Sep’11

Self Leadership class started with the discussion of career track, learning goals , self development.

Duties/Responsibilities I as a learner have are as follows.

  • I should be fully present in the present moment.
  • I should  be inspired to learn. 
  • I should take the effort to learn
  • I should learn to leverage my gifts.                                                      

Raises certain questions:
·         Are you learning to leverage your gifts?

·         Are you doing your best?

·         Are you rising in your eyes?

Then, Some time was given to recall and think about certain very important topic like purpose, goals and values before joining soil and after joining soil whether we are on the right track or not to achieving our goals.
Then, voluntarily we did discussion on that in the class.
Next topic was very interesting and helpful for understanding about the obstacles comes in achieving goals and how to overcome i.e.

 Immunity to change :
·         One thing you are trying to develop.

  1. Need to change( Intellect)
  2. Want to change(Heart)
  3. Actual Change(Body)
Reprogramming whole learning approach:
Commitment(goals)/Hurdles coming in the path
Doing 180 degree opposite to what you want
Hidden competing commitment
Mental assumption

Column 1: Commitment you did with yourself to achieve goals. How you are improving in achieving your goals. Hurdles and the obstacles coming in the path for achieving your goals.

Column 2: Whatever you want to do and what you don’t want to do but you do. What are reasons why you are acting like that?  How it effects the column 1 commitments. Whether it effects positively or negatively?
How’s your behaviour while acting in that conditions.

Column 3: Hidden competing commitment, these are the certain commitments which make you feel either powerful or strong. Either you looks self protective or noble to yourself.
Sometimes we are making our self consciously immune and sometimes it is unconsciously immune.

Column 4: This column is a strong reason and necessary for column 3 and justifies the reason either its good or bad.

Follow-up work to overturn “Immune system”:
1) Observe the big assumption in action.
2) Stay alert to natural challenges and counter the big assumptions.
3) Write biography of big assumption.
4) Design the test for your assumption.
5) Examine the result.
6) Develop\run\evaluate the test.

Design a first test On the basis of “SMART”


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