Saturday, 17 September 2011

Prateek Kataria_MLP004_Self Leadership_sep'11

                                   Do not follow where the path may lead.
                               Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
                                                                                           ---Harold R. McAlindon

A leader is the one who sets the path for other......................
Leadership Session September 11
It was like any other day in soil but never knew it would turn out to be so productive ...
Any leadership session Always has something new and transformational for every one .Every step in leadership session adds a new flavor and understanding to one's life.
Session 1:- Mrs Snehal Shah 
A session to understand what are different types of stresses we face and how to overcome them 
along with sussie Roy.
Session 2:-
"Unexpected" is the only word that comes to my mind , truly a stress buster we never knew that we can spread smiles  in a million ways . This was one of he best session we ever had in The soil and i learn t the laughter and spreading smile is the best way to overcome the stress

Session 3,4:-Mr Anil Sachdev 
The session was focused on Immunity to change 
Firstly We discussed about our bad conduct in Mr. Rajeev Gupta's session where Anil Sir told us to bring about a change in ourselves , but are we ready for the change , can we bring that change in ourselves and how to bring that change in our life ..

I  remember in his last sessions how he made us do some activities aimed at realising if we feel a need for change in our lives, What is the want behind that change and how do we plan to make that change and sustain it throughout life.

We were made to realize a hidden commitment behind the change that prevents us from bringing about that change in our lives. It is very important for us to get over with that hidden commitment and strive to bring about the desired change. The feeling of change should come form within. The change should start taking plsce at the heart level or the ‘from the soul ‘ as we call it. This would automatically transform into a change at the body level.

Sir enhanced out knowledge on change management in our lives and explained how he himself quit smoking by changing from within . He made several efforts to quit smoking in his initial phases of quitting smoking, but was unsuccessful as the change was always made at the body level and not from within. But, day this revelation dawned on him of bringing a change from within would lead to body level change, he changed for a lifetime. This was truly inspiring for all of us and forced us to think that actually every change needs to first begin in the heart.

We learnt about the Immunity X-Ray Framework which helped us to know about managing change better. The immunity framework had four parameters:

àIntention: This describes the intention of the person for the change, as in to the actual change that the person wants to bring about in his/her life.
àBehaviour Exhibited: The behavior that the person exhibits to bring about that change.
àReason for not changing: There is an internal competing commitment opposed to change that prevents the individual and bringing about the much desired change.
àRealisation of the root cause: There is a mental assumption behind the hidden competing commitment that backs it and makes it strong enough to oppose any effort to change.

Thus it is imperative for every individual who desires to bring about any sort of change, to identify the hidden competing commitment within himself/herself and get over the mental assumption backing that competing commitment.

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