Friday, 16 September 2011

Nupur Pachauri_BLP005_Self Leadership_Sep '11

“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is that simple. It is that difficult.”
 Warren Bennis
Self-leadership evolves from understanding the six layers of self. Once we are aware of these six layers, we understand the essence and importance of the “Self” much more.
The inference of “S” in Self can be two-fold:-
i)                    “s” refers to the five senses of the human body. It deals with our mind, emotions, intellect and thoughts. It emphasizes the way we have been conditioned to think, based on our upbringing and experiences.
ii)                   “S” refers to the Seer, the observer, and the actual Self. When we understand the “S” of Self, we become the experiencer, instead of the experienced.
Through Self-leadership, a person learns to know himself better and steer his life effectively. The identification of Self can start from introspecting our own character. Innovation is caused by character, not by competency! This helps us identify the purpose of our life – why we are here, what is our calling in life. It is essential to connect ourselves to the locus of our being. It has been rightly quoted in Patanajali that when you are inspired by a higher purpose in life, strange things happen to you. You discover talent which you did not know you had. You become a leader far above your perceived potential.
In the session on Self-leadership, Anil sir acquainted us to the Immunity X-ray to analyze our decision-making process and get to know ourselves better. During the exercise, we discovered our hidden competing commitments and the reasons behind it. We figured out the assumptions that we make which prevent us from changing for the good. The four column approach of Immunity X-ray helps us to identify our inner fears, such that we can consciously start the transformation.  It is the fear and ego which comes in our way to achieve our purpose in life; however, it is not impossible to change our habits. One of the most important learning of the session was that the fear and ego can be overcome by unconditional love.
Self-leadership is also about complete well-being – spiritual, social, physical and mental.  When our wellness curve is high in all these areas, we are efficient and feel good.  Total well-being gives a clear sense of purpose and goals, in life and workplace. Having clear goals helps us align our purpose with our work, and hence, work towards the ultimate calling in life!
Lastly, it is essential to know that the biggest leader is the one who is also the biggest follower. Unless we know how to follow, we will not be able to lead. We must initiate the change we want to see in others. It was rightly written by Louis V. Gerstner, former IBM CEO, that leaders do not bring a change in the culture of a company; Leaders only compel the workforce to bring about the change themselves, by being a part of the workforce.
We must become the change we want to see!

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