Saturday, 17 September 2011

Neha Singh_BLP033_Self Leadership_Sep'11

The session on self leadership basically revolved around our responsibilities, our habits, and purpose of life, our will and our determination.
It was all about evolving from six layers of self-Diversity, Instinct, Compassion, Ethics, Sustainability, and Mindfulness, understanding the essence and importance of self(“S”).
‘S’ is basically self .It deals with our mind, thoughts, emotions, intellect and experiences. This basically helps us in realizing our presence, our calling in life and to be connected to ourselves. The habits that we possess and are not able to change because of various internal factors and new habits that we know are beneficial for us but still we face challenges in exercising them because of the our lack of determination and the opposing forces within us. This can be overcome by locating the locus of your inner self and be able to get into the inner most layer of self “mindfulness”.
Also described by Robert Kegan, in overcoming the immunity to change, there is always room for improvement and it is important to you. This can be done in four simple steps:
Commitment (improvement goal):
Define the problem that you are facing, identify the possible solution to that problem and define a plan of action that can be followed.
Doing/Not doing instead:
Identify a problem and be clear about it and be prepared with the solution, frame it well and write it, take charge rather than sharing responsibilities or blaming others, be responsible for you doings, don’t seek help from others when you are stuck rather help yourself.
Hidden Competing Commitments:
Be committed to your plan of action, be competent and strong with a clear vision and strategy in mind, and never let anyone else feel that you are not confident about your commitments.
Big Assumptions:
Don’t assume that you will not be able complete your commitments and you will fail, Don’t question your will power without even trying and most importantly don’t assume that you will be able to achieve your commitments without even trying.
Design a test for yourself that SMART (Safe, Modest, Actionable, Research, Test).
Towards the end of the class we came to know about Immunity X-ray that is used to analyze our decision-making process and get to know ourselves better. During the exercise, we discovered our hidden competing commitments and the reasons behind it. We figured out the assumptions that we make which prevent us from changing for the good. The four column approach of Immunity X-ray helps us to identify our inner fears, such that we can consciously start the transformation.  It is the fear and ego which comes in our way to achieve our purpose in life; however, it is not impossible to change our habits. One of the most important learning of the session was that the fear and ego can be overcome by unconditional love.
If we are able to access our inner most layer of self, we can achieve whatever we want in our life.

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