Friday, 16 September 2011

AbhishekSaxena_BLP012_Self Leadership_Sep’11

I always look forward to attend Self-Leadership sessions by Anil Sir. After every session, I discover something new about myself & ponder upon the true purpose of life ,Why I am here ,Who all I care for ,What am I doing to serve others.

I want to share my learning’s from last session on 8th Sep 11.
Leadership: A true leader is always listening to the big S and is always connected to the source & knows the purpose of life. It is important to identify the cause of the habits which are pulling us back by help of reflection and finding out the ways and the strength to achieve what lies within us to achieve what we want.
If you connect to the bigger S, the source you have the ability to live to find out that I am fully present .The mind, the body the intellect is the way I choose to act, feel and relate and the way I think, all my previous experience form my tendency which stops me to take on to the new ideas.
Ego is friend of fear and fears opposite is unconditional love, if you give unconditional love you will feel content and joy.
Most knowledgeable person is who has a purpose; goals come from purpose which are time bound. Biggest leader is the best follower because he is always following the right cause.
We should always strive hard to achieve higher purpose and keep on trying till we achieve what we want ,a mistake is a missed take .
Work is love made visible, and we always rise in love .
The power of seva (servant leadership ) is supreme , when you serve the higher purpose, you discover capabilities and talent in yourself which you never thought existed in you and great things start happening to you.
When ego gets killed a person is transformed, this transformation makes you a better person.
We also had a lot of reflections on various aspects like Immunity X-ray where we learned to reflect and find out what we wanted to change , what are the thing we do opposite to what we want , what are our hidden competing commitment and what are our assumptions for them.
This exercise showed us a path to improve and be a better person.
When a person leaves his ego behind and gives unconditional love to others he can even walk on fire bed and come out safe , it’s the power of love which makes you do things which you would have never thought you could do or achieve.
It is important to understand the purpose and be mindful ,always be connected  to the source.
In the book Immunity to change the notion of immunity to change is presented and how to identify the cause using four column method , then by corrective measures potential can be unlocked.

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