Thursday, 12 January 2012

Gaurav Shahare_BLP035_Self_Leadership_10_Jan’12

Self Development Plan..

I am good at quickly learning things.. I am always curious about the world and that has resulted into my constant search for understanding and doing new things, exploring untouched territories.. I have a gift of looking through the things which always helps me get the birds eye view.. Also I love to take responsibility and ownership and am good at influencing and persuading people to follow the cause when myself is fully convinced about that task.. However I do procrastination and try to show low urgency.. Sometimes I tend to to give more importance to future tasks rather than the current task at hand.. also seems to overlook details..

In order to overcome my weaknesses, I will start making myself accountable for my actions and being very particular about deadlines.. While starting any task, will determine the time required and then set the as earliest deadline as possible.. so that I will not have any other choice than to finish it urgently.. I will try to be in the present moment while doing tasks, if any thought strikes to me then will write it down in pending column and will resume to work putting it on highest priority.. I will try to focus on each and every aspect of tasks in the first state itself rather than subsequent phases..


10 years from now, I see Gaurav as a Product Head of a well known company for an innovating and out-of-box product. I see that he has gained knowledge across various horizontal streams as well as deep vertical into a select few.. People seems to love his company always seeks him around.. I see that Gaurav always tries put concerns of his people first and above all make them happy.. He seems to display non negotiable commitments towards his values and especially tries to live as a integral person.. He is recognized as a brand in himself and considered as strong contender as future CEO.. Still at this point he seems to be in the search of something new and continues exploration of new avenues..

To make my visualization come true, I will start putting in lot of efforts to gain in depth knowledge of subjects while focusing on details.. will try to live in present moment and give maximum importance to current task at hand and try to finish it quickly.. Will stop holding myself back and will be ready for any kind of challenges.. I will stop worrying about what people will say and giving excuses for not doing work.. Will try to focus on doing part rather than just thinking about it.. Will try to respect people who are not like me.. will try to carry along with such people and increase networking.. Above all will try to follow the strategy of "burning your boats" and throw myself directly into the water..

I think by practicing all these things, I would become an incremental better person in the life.. 

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