Monday, 30 April 2012

Yash Dogra_BLP054_SelfLeadership_Oct'11

Tell me about yourself?
When we hear this question we start with our plain vanilla introduction as we know ourselves but to give a correct answer to this question we need to introspect ourselves. We need to understand who we are, what are we here for, why is it important and how can we? I would like to give answers to these questions in this way:

Who am i?
My name is Yash Dogra. I am born and brought up in a family where love, affection and values are of utmost importance. I am a well-balanced person with vast experience in life as well as in my profession. I am very much hard working and goal oriented who loves to live life in all its fullness. I am always concerned about well-being of the society and the people around me. I always want people around me to be happy and I am always ready to support people who are in real need.

What am I here for?
I want to start my own venture and subsequently an organization that helps the children who are in need to fund their studies. I really feel it’s our responsibility to uplift the society and people around us.

Where am I going?
It is really a transformational journey for me being in SOIL both in my personal and professional life. It has taught me to stretch my goals and strive for professional excellence and stay focused on my goals. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone and has awakened the courage within me to face the world of business with boldness and ethics. I have assimilated the values of SOIL in me and this has made me a better human being. I feel all these values will take me far in realization of my dreams.

Why is it important?
It is important for me because I am very passionate about the things whatever I do. I feel we deserve realization of our rights but we have to fulfil our responsibilities also. After starting a successful venture, I would like to divert a decent amount for the betterment of the society. So it’s important to take the values along with me and to fulfil other’s dreams also.

How can I?
I can leverage my strengths to achieve my goals. SOIL has been instrumental in connecting us to various industry leaders who are of great repute through mentor-mentee program and leadership series. They always motivated us and inspired us to achieve professional growth by staying focused and being passionate about our goals. I learnt that we must have an intense passion and vision towards the growth of our company and our country. I am sure all these learning along with my industry experience of three and half years will support my dreams to get fulfilled. 

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