Thursday, 26 April 2012

L Krishnan_BLP017_Consulting Skills_3rd Jan

With the new year having just begun, we are all excited and looking forward for ambitious pursuits in career, primarily through placements. So far few candidates have been offer placements with lucrative packages, and have affirmed our hopes.

In class, the primary issue that we focused was the way ahead for our college, School Of Inspired Leadership. Like any brainstorming session, we all pooled our thought against the options that our college management have come up with

1. Day scholar campuses across the country 
2. Large Residential campus close to Bangalore

We discussed the fund requirement, taking into consideration the anticipatory trend in profits and thus the ability to invest in future plans accordingly. To our surprise, we were even given the balance sheet of SOIL, which usually any profit making organization does not reveal. At least not to their customers
Mr. Gaurav Bhalla from the finance department was invited to elaborate us on the heading and assumptions that they had taken while preparing the excel file.

The session was engaging and very interactive, because it was a debate on its own with two very strong strategy having distinct pros and cons. The factors we discussed were 

Learning experience
Corporate linkages for placements
Total infrastructure cost and break-even
Admission of student and capacity to handle
Cost of faculty and cost to facilitate them for the stay
Governance of college by founder and team

I enjoyed the whole process of speculating each of the factors mentioned and many others as well, in full dept and comparing them against one-another. With a consulting task at hand, and a stakeholder who is very eager to listen, because he (Mr. Anil Sachdev) in fact is keenly interested in listening to perspectives that we as students recommend or foresee for our college.
The chats continued even out of the college premises in the nearby tea stalls where we would constantly pool our thoughts and give a justification for the same.

Apart from the consulting task, we also had finished Chapter 9 & 10 of Flawless Consulting by Peter Block. 

Consulting is a tactical job, were one recommends the expert in their field to enhance their performance. This primarily asks for the basic understanding of a consultant towards the business of the client and the underlying strategy of the same. 

Chapter 9 revolves around the resistance that the clients exhibit towards a recommended change and the cues that consultants need to pick in understanding the fear and assumptions. 
The process can be broken down into 3 steps,

1. Picking cues from the client and managing team
2. Rephrase the problem and repeat the same in a different language
3. Be and effective listener and address the primary concerns of the client

Chapter 10 focuses on learning the business model of client and related issues. Also using tools and concepts that would speak about his problem, enabling the consultants to give a sort out plan for them to narrate to the client.

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