Saturday, 13 August 2011

Souravi Paul_HRLP016_Second Sip Day

It was again a Wednesday, the second SIP day, 10TH August. The day started with getting up late  and then rushing to get things in place. Luckily reached my NGO-ICONGO on time (Ahhh!! Get up late, cajole time a little, be smart with it and you are always on time-   my secret principle).  The city was drenched with rain. My stomach urged for a pakora with coffee. Unfortunately I, a Change Leader  on a Sip day working for a cause to make my world a better place could just dream of it.

Initiation of the projects were done on the orientation day, now the tedious part of the work- ‘’PLANNING”. My small piece of brain took some couple of hours to understand the process of the work. Followed by documenting the whole input –output process of the project. I realized how much efficient planning I do, the importance lie in the execution. The projects are big, inputs required are in immense quantity but I doubt my quantity of input for it.  Autonomous work pattern always gives me some extra ounces of determination. For the projects we were given complete freedom to do as we feel convenient. Now Deadlines were set!!

Late afternoon, energy level diminishes, a perfect Punjabi platter rejuvenated and the mishthi dahi was the icing on the cake. Worked till 6.30 in the evening. The energy level was below 0 joules (energy is calculated in joules). A travel of 2hours in hushy bushy metro ended the second Sip day.

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