Thursday, 18 August 2011

Prateek Kataria_MLP004_Session on consulting skills

Consulting Session a session which was much awaited.
Guided by Mr. Anil Sachdev

Before coming to the class we all were told to go  through the first chapter From FLAWLESS CONSULTING by Peter block

Initially I was not very much interested in consulting but after i read the book there was a change in my perception and ideology about the subject and found it very interesting.

Day 1:- I was now very much excited to understand the basics of the subject and we started our session by understanding the basic of Consulting.

First, we understood that consulting can be stated as the subject in which a consultant has the influence over an individual , group or an organization but is not authorized to make a change or implement the program.

Second, organization is the bridge between the human potential and Societal need .

Third , we also relaized that  Intangible assest are the most valuable assets of an individual or an organization.

Then we learnt about the KARL ERIK SVEIBY Model according to which a leadership with change management will help an organization balance both strategy and the operations of an organization so that an organization can achieve its Vision.

Next step was to understand the 5 phases of consulting


1. Entry and contracting:Agreement between the client and consultant where we consultant understands the problem

2.Data Collection and Diagnosis:-consultant will gaher the data and information 

3.Feedback and Decision Making:-Its the stage where we take decision to act .

4.Implementation:- this stage is also referred to the change .
5.Evaluation and termination:-to check if the objective has been achieved  or not ,how the relationship between the client and consultant is ended ,if done in a healthy manner can lead to getting more business .
The first three phases are the  preliminary stage they precede the main event of implementation
There should be a 50/50 relationship between consultants and clients 

Then we understood the four types of clients
1.Economic buyer :- Is the one who has to take the final decision(ex:- chief executive officer)

2. Technical Buyer:-Is the one who has the authority to say no but does not has the authority to say Yes

3.User buyer:--they are the one who are impacted by the project(ex:- internal stakeholders) gives the authentic feedback to the consultant there are very rare possibilities that an economic buyer is a coach.

Second Session:-Then we did a simulation of a case from the industry 
Where in we were made to sit in a group of four and two of us were assigned the role of the head of  the organization  and two us were assigned  the roles of Consultanats (Mr. Anil Sachdev and Mr. Arunav Banarjee)
and  using the Navigation we designed a final agreement between the organization and consultants.
this simulation helped us understand the various aspect of consulting both from clients as well as the consultants view..

Prateek Kataria, MLP004


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