Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Suchitra Ravichander _BLP030_Self Leadership_10Jan’12

Today’s self leadership class focused on getting more clarity on the goals, identifying  & honoring the strengths within us and the ways of leveraging strengths to overcome our weaknesses. We began this exercise by doing an in depth analysis of self by using the immunity X-ray tool. Immunity X-ray tool is a very powerful tool which helps us to unravel the critical aspects which we wish to change, alternative actions, the hidden competing commitments and the assumptions or mental models that reinforces the commitments. Based on the insights we got from the immunity X-ray tool, we were asked to devise a self improvement plan.

The whole objective of this exercise was to get clarity on the purpose or goals that we wish to achieve. As a part of this exercise, we were asked to come up with answers to the below 6 questions.

“How can you use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses?”

I would like to deploy my strengths like deep commitment, resilience and mindfulness towards overcoming my weakness of poor time management and urgency to act. I feel that by having a deep sense of commitment towards my personal improvement and through resilient action, I will be able to successfully overcome my weakness.

“Imagine yourself a year from now when you have fully leverages your positives and when you have moved in the direction that matters to you the most.”

One year down the line, I would like to visualize myself as a more responsible person who has progressed a kilometer, if a not a mile in the journey of self improvement. I am sure that by leveraging my strengths completely I will be able to overcome if not all, at least one of my weaknesses of time management and urgency levels. I believe that working on my weaknesses will help me to become a better individual.

What will you start doing in terms of new activities?

To achieve my development targets, I would like to start new habits like reading regularly, spending some quality time with myself reflecting on the higher purpose of life, practicing yoga & daily walk along with a selected set of friends with whom I enjoy learning and spending time, having regular mentoring sessions or casual conversations with few people whom I have identified as role models in life.

What will you stop doing?

I would stop procrastinating things till the last moment. I will organize my tasks in such a way that timely completion is ensured.

What will you do more off?

Analyzing my Caliper score I found that my strength lies in execution. I intend to focus on improving this strength of mine by becoming more committed and passionate towards any task undertaken. I also would like to spend more time on self reflection as I knowledge about oneself is the most profound knowledge one could ever get.

What will you do less off?

I would like to spend less of my time on unproductive activities. When I use the term unproductive I mean the time which I spend on personal comfort and pleasure which does not add any value to me in terms of learning & experience.


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