Wednesday, 9 May 2012


The first session on consulting skills has taken us through the roots of consulting and purpose of consulting. If I would explain in simple terms then it is nothing but taking up responsibility without authority. It is not just the professional’s cup of tea, even we as individuals do a lot of consulting in our daily life. We do so by helping strangers, family and friends. Consultant has to find out possible obstacles and providing options as solution to the problem, now it depends on the clients whether they are taking these suggestions into consideration or not.
          While doing consulting you would find a number of resistances coming your way, Peter Block says, “Resistance doesn’t always happen, but when it does, it is puzzling and frustrating”. As per Peter Block, followings are the skills required to deal with resistance…
1.   Be able to identify when resistance is taking place
2.   View resistance as a natural process and a sign that you are on target
3.   Support the client in expressing the resistance directly
4.   Not take the expression of the resistance personally or as an attack on you or your competence

A consultant has to be smart enough to smell resistance in advance and he should be well equipped with alternate strategy so that he can overcome these resistances. As per Block, “The most blatant form of resistance is when the client attacks us. Angry words, a red face, fist pounding on the desk, finger pointing in your face, punctuating the end of every sentence. It leaves the consultant feeling like a bumbling child who not only has done poor work but has somehow violated a line of morality that should never be crossed. Our response to attack is often either to withdraw or to respond in kind. Both responses mean that we are beginning to take the attack personally and not seeing it as one other form that the resistance is taking. A consultant should not take any form of resistance personally.


The word self leadership has always sensitized my inner soul, and when class has to happened with Anil Sir, it always gives a immense pleasure and anxiety about, what we are going to learn today. The way Anil sir teaches and allows us to introspect about our past and present, it gives us a direction for our future. Being born and brought up in a small village, lived all my life with limited resources, I know value of money and other resources. While doing immunity x-ray, a powerful tool to help us understand the critical aspects in life which can be changed. I realized my potential in rural development or social service. I want to set up a venture wherein I can generate employment in rural areas. Having seen the kind of life poor people live in cities is really painful. We were asked to devise a self improvement plan to know the purpose of life which we wish to achieve in life. There were six questions we were asked to answer and post on the blogspot.
1.   How can you use your strength to overcome your weakness?
I would like to use my strength of self confidence, risk taking, resilience and abstract reasoning to overcome my weakness of time management and sometimes being less professional and more personal. My self confidence has always helped me to overcome the fear of failure and I never looked back on failures to demoralize myself. And yes, the high level of resiliency has helped me come back on track and reschedule the future. After graduating from SOIL, I would like to keep my enthusiasm high.
2.   Imagine yourself from now when you have fully leverages your positives and when you have moved in the direction that matters to you most.
The direction that matters to me most is to work for underprivileged and providing them employment. Considering I have successfully leveraged my all positives, I see myself as social entrepreneur. My passion for higher purpose will help me to be successful in my way.
3.   What will you start in terms of new activities?
I will start mingling more with entrepreneurs and likeminded people, who can help me and guide me through out. Also, I would start spending some more time with myself, analyzing what has happened? And how it could have done in a better way? Earlier I was spending approx 30 minutes in washroom (as I feel that is the only place where nobody can disturb) whenever I had to take a critical decision or had to plan some official tasks. Now I would try to continue this on regular basis. And I hope this will help me.
4.   What will you stop doing?
I would stop delaying and try to act immediately so that the task is completed in time.
5.   What will you do more off?
I would spend more time with likeminded people and will improve on my time management.
6.   What will you do less off?
I would not spend my time on unproductive things which gives result unaligned to my future goal. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Suchitra Ravichander _BLP030_Self Leadership_10Jan’12

Today’s self leadership class focused on getting more clarity on the goals, identifying  & honoring the strengths within us and the ways of leveraging strengths to overcome our weaknesses. We began this exercise by doing an in depth analysis of self by using the immunity X-ray tool. Immunity X-ray tool is a very powerful tool which helps us to unravel the critical aspects which we wish to change, alternative actions, the hidden competing commitments and the assumptions or mental models that reinforces the commitments. Based on the insights we got from the immunity X-ray tool, we were asked to devise a self improvement plan.

The whole objective of this exercise was to get clarity on the purpose or goals that we wish to achieve. As a part of this exercise, we were asked to come up with answers to the below 6 questions.

“How can you use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses?”

I would like to deploy my strengths like deep commitment, resilience and mindfulness towards overcoming my weakness of poor time management and urgency to act. I feel that by having a deep sense of commitment towards my personal improvement and through resilient action, I will be able to successfully overcome my weakness.

“Imagine yourself a year from now when you have fully leverages your positives and when you have moved in the direction that matters to you the most.”

One year down the line, I would like to visualize myself as a more responsible person who has progressed a kilometer, if a not a mile in the journey of self improvement. I am sure that by leveraging my strengths completely I will be able to overcome if not all, at least one of my weaknesses of time management and urgency levels. I believe that working on my weaknesses will help me to become a better individual.

What will you start doing in terms of new activities?

To achieve my development targets, I would like to start new habits like reading regularly, spending some quality time with myself reflecting on the higher purpose of life, practicing yoga & daily walk along with a selected set of friends with whom I enjoy learning and spending time, having regular mentoring sessions or casual conversations with few people whom I have identified as role models in life.

What will you stop doing?

I would stop procrastinating things till the last moment. I will organize my tasks in such a way that timely completion is ensured.

What will you do more off?

Analyzing my Caliper score I found that my strength lies in execution. I intend to focus on improving this strength of mine by becoming more committed and passionate towards any task undertaken. I also would like to spend more time on self reflection as I knowledge about oneself is the most profound knowledge one could ever get.

What will you do less off?

I would like to spend less of my time on unproductive activities. When I use the term unproductive I mean the time which I spend on personal comfort and pleasure which does not add any value to me in terms of learning & experience.


Suchitra Ravichander_BLP030_About Me_Oct’11

Yet another exciting day, on the path to self discovery, as the captain of our ship Anil sir was leading us through the wonderful voyage of self leadership. We started our journey by first reviewing our previous class learning’s. Soon after that we went on a conference call with Prasad Kaipa, one of Steve jobs close associates (Ex Head of Marketing, Europe Apple). The entire conversation unfolded the other side of the great legends Mr.Steve Jobs. We got astounded to know how Mr.Jobs has been focused on to his vision and how determined he has been in chasing his dreams.  It was so evident from the conversation that it was his focus and determination of which has turned Apple to be what it is right now-the most innovative companies of the world.
As we moved on the path of self discovery, our next port of destination was to identify the uniqueness within ourselves and the sense of purpose and direction in our life.   We were asked to make a presentation to the entire class sharing our vision and purpose in life, by providing answers to the below 5 questions.
Though it was in initially difficult to find out answers for these questions, as I moved on I realized that the answer to these questions evolved much easily with a bit of self reflection and introspection. The most challenging question, was –“ Who am I?” | It took a while for me to answer this question as I pondered over my bigger purpose in life. I discovered that I am an ambitious person with enthusiasm & quest for continuous learning. I am a person who believes in living life with values reflected through my strength of character.
The next 2 question which I was supposed to answer was “Why am I here” & “Where was I going”. These were relatively easier to answer. I am here to chase my dream of becoming a true inspired leader in all dimensions of life, to shape my personality & character by reinforcing the values which I possess in every moment of my life. I am moving upward in this journey of chasing my dreams and goals. I am currently travelling in a direction which is giving me plenty of experiences unveiling the true strengths residing within me.
The answers to the question 2 & 3 made it simple, to answer the next subsequent question on “Why it is important to know the purpose of my life?” It is important because preserves my values & character in an unblemished way. The purpose and direction is also important as it brings within me, the self realization as to where I am currently and what I need to do to reach the next level.
The last question about - “how I can leverage my strengths to reach my goal?“ made me to think about my strengths of passion, commitment, resilience that could help me to succeed further in achieving my goal.